Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Waiting Game

I'm not good at waiting.

My half marathon is this Saturday! I'm very excited, but also insanely nervous. I'm really not sure why I'm nervous this time around. I have trained hard and I'm ready. I know that I can do it. I don't care too too much about time, just doing better than my last one. I've got all the logistics taken care of. However, I am still dreading it because somehow I don't feel like I am good enough.

I realize that that is not true, and that I can run 13.1 miles. But I am really good at getting inside my own head and leaving doubt there. I know that runners talk about the "taper curse" where you are running less the week before a race and it leaves you time to think WAY too much. I think that is exactly what is going on.

I am super excited for the expo tomorrow and the race on Saturday morning! I am even more excited for Sunday, when I don't even have to think about running. (I may also be slightly burnt out physically and mentally).

Will post a full race recap sometime this weekend and I'm sure that will be much more positive than this post :) Thanks for listening to my whining.

Preview of Saturday morning:
I had to add this too. Hilarious, but scarily accurate:

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