Friday, October 31, 2014

In the Meantime...

Well I think I have a plan of action in terms of how to deal with aforementioned Stupid Ankle after talking with the trainer.

I'm going to continue keeping it elevated and icing/heating it. I'm also going to start doing some limited exercise. I was able to use the stationary without any issues and we also did a lot of upper body lifting. So I might focus on those two things until Stupid Ankle heals. Not nearly as satisfying as running or spin classes or coming home soaking in sweat, but I'll deal I guess.

As you can tell, I'm trying to stay positive! (emphasis on trying)
A Comprehensive Glossary Of Gifs
Except I limp more.
Yes I'm this dramatic. Get over it.

I promise I will be more upbeat again once I can sweat like a pig. It is amazing how exercise can really help you deal with emotions. Thanks for reading my randomness. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Stupid Ankle


I was doing step-ups with a kettlebell. I stepped up and BAM!, my ankle gave out. I have no clue why, but I ended up with a sprained ankle.
I was supposed to do the Race for the Cure 5k on Saturday, but nope. I was super excited for it too because I had just gotten back from a great 3 mile run and the weather on Saturday is supposed to be perfect!
Oh well.

On the plus side-I was able to convince my husband to run the 5k for me so at least one of us can be healthy! He did great, but I'm still working on being a spectator. He's much better at that than I am. (I was also pouting about not running a little bit).

I will have to figure out some upper body workouts to keep some of the calories off. (Calcium from ice cream WILL help me heal)

We'll see if I can figure out how to stay healthy while injured. It's going to be tough.

Any advice?

Monday, October 20, 2014

Race Recap: The Chocolate 5K

There is not much better than family, chocolate, fall, and running! I got to enjoy all three at The Chocolate 5K, put on by NR Road Racing.

I was excited about this race for several reasons:

1. My husband found it and wanted to do it! I love it went he wants to run, so of course I had to do it!

2. My brother was in town for the weekend and I convinced him to do it too! He used to run cross country so at least he knew what he was getting into :)

3. This was my first run race since the half marathon. I've been very stuck in a rut with running and very unmotivated to do it since the half. I knew running another race would get me going again. (especially since I have another 5K next weekend.)

4. It is a very small race, and I have been shying away from those lately.

So the packet pickup was very easy. We just went on the morning of the race and picked it up! There were some pretty decent goodies for a small race. The packet included a t-shirt, Mary Kay samples, travel size deodorant (men's), some Ghirardelli chocolate, and several pamphlets. However, we didn't all get the same stuff in our bags, which was kind of odd.
We waited in the car for the race because it was kind of chilly out, but perfect running weather!
The course ran through a park in the area. It was fairly good, but the sidewalks were a little narrow at the beginning before it thinned out. It probably didn't help that there were three of us and I'm used to just keeping track of myself. There were three total pit stops. Two with more chocolate and one with water. Just about right for a fun 5K.
The finish line was fun. They had people dressed up as the Avengers to bring us through the finish chute. Of course there was more chocolate :)

Overall, a very fun race. We went into it knowing that we would walk when needed because my two racing partners haven't run in at least a few months and I haven't trained in the slightest since the half marathon. I think (cross my fingers, knock on wood) that I am excited to run again. It felt good  and I can do it! Time wasn't stellar, but I honestly didn't care.

61 Rachel Bork 38:27.7   

Got to run a fun race with two of favorite men. That's enough for me!

Friday, October 17, 2014

New Page

So I'm learning all this cool new funky stuff about blogging. I found out I can make new pages!! So of course I did so.

At the top of the page, you should find a tab entitled "What Keeps Me Moving". This will include all of my current gear and my wish list. Simply for your viewing pleasure.

I also added the feature where you can follow by email. That is located in the top right of the page. Simply enter your email address and you will be notified every time I post something. (Because I'm sure y'all are just constantly having to check :)

That's all for today! Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Off Season

Just when everyone else in the running world is gearing up for their big fall marathons:

I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs.

I'm trying to learn how to stay motivated without a training schedule. Here is what I have learned so far/trying to work on:

1. Learn to love cross training. I mentioned this in the last post when I talked about lifting. I have never been "into" any other form of exercise besides running and to some extent, yoga. However, since my half marathon I have been slightly more dedicated to following my strength training routine. I have also started going to a hip hop cycle class which has been really fun! It is basically a spin class, but it includes lots of upper body stuff as well.
2. Remember that I do actually like running. Towards the end of a training cycle I get really burnt out and start dreading my runs. Now I'm having to remind myself that when I do go run, it is not necessarily to "get better". It's to have fun, get a good sweat, and maintain fitness.
3. I'm no longer running a crazy amount of miles a week, so I can't eat everything in sight. I'm trying to take this chance when I'm not constantly hungry to improve my nutrition. This is one that is in progress :)

It's hard not having a schedule, but I'm trying to do what I can and still improve.

PS-Good luck to everyone running in Chicago this weekend. Wish I could come and cheer!

Anyone else have any other tips for off-season sanity?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Learning to Like Lifting (Lots of L's)

I'm in the awkward period between my half marathon and starting marathon training in December.

Thankfully, my husband and I have started meeting with a personal trainer a couple of months ago and that means that I have a different training schedule I can obsess over :)
Truth be told: I'm really bad at taking workouts other than running seriously. It's a lot harder to see progress with lifting and it doesn't feel like I'm getting as much done. Plus, I'm not particularly good at it yet.

I'm trying to convince myself that lifting and cross training will make me a better, healthier runner.

On a happier note, how cool is this?

Dennis Kimetto Breaks World Record at Berlin Marathon

2:02:57!? I'd just like to run a half marathon in that time! He's nuts really cool.