I started my workout with 10x 1 minute intervals at 5k pace with a 1 minute break in between. Kicked my butt, but it felt really good!
Then I went to Cycle Hip Hop where I haven't been in a while. That also felt awesome! I think my muscles just needed to get shaken out.
Then I did a strength training session and was kind of tired for that, but glad I did it.
In summary, I'm still kind of sore but I feel good now instead of "I want to die". I feel like I could maybe be ready to run 26.2 miles in a couple months!

I'd also like to give a shout out to Naperville Running Company. They are back home in Chicago near where I grew up. They got an awesome spotlight on Runner's World website for working with the city to plow some of the path during the winter.
I think that it really shows how they support runners in the area! Even though I don't really run around there anymore (especially in the winter) I appreciate their efforts.
Have a great Wednesday!

Woo hoo, a triple! That 10x1:00 min sounds like a fun workout! I should give it a try!