Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas is Coming!

Here's my run report:

I decided to give you a different view of my run so you can all be amazed at the hills I deal with. And this is a flat route. 

As you can see, my second mile was dangerously close to where I was running before Stupid Ankle. It was a very encouraging run and made me feel like I could get to where I was at some point. Still need to speed it up a bit, but still not too worried. Now for some pictures I know you all want to see, my sweaty selfie!

I'd blaming the reflective jacket for how shiny I look, but that'd be a lie. Those of you in any part of the country where it isn't 40 out in the evening when I run, I'm sincerely sorry. I do still get warm on my runs (for now) and I am thankful for living in Nashville! And you should have seen my first attempt at sweaty selfie:

I am not, in fact, attempting to wink at you. The flash just kind of blinded me. But it was funny enough to still post. Last picture from my run, I promise:

I tried to take this picture to make it look like I was still running. It just ended up making my thigh look huge. Anyway, these are my new (to me) running shoes that I was testing out. Don't worry, Blue Beauties (aka Brooks Ghost 7) are still my main shoes, but I needed something a little lighter for faster runs. Enter the Mizuno Wave Hitogami. I really liked them when I ran in them last night and I'm excited to be able to rotate shoes. The only thing that made that possible is because I found them super cheap. As I mentioned in Running on the Cheap, I have recently discovered Ebay for running gear. I got these on there for around $35. I'd like to give a shout out to the seller because they were wonderful and have lots of cheap shoes for runners. Valuedoc sold these on the cheap because they had a stain on them. Hey y'all, Christmas is coming and the runner in your life (or yourself) could surely use shoes!

And just because I can't stop putting this on him, here another picture of Santa Wrigley for you:


  1. I never thought to check ebay for running stuff! Good idea! :)

  2. Thank you to Rachel for recommending our eBay store to all of the readers. Anyone that mentions Rachelrunsmusiccity will get an additional 10% off of anything in our inventory. Here is an actual link to our eBay store itself where you can type in your shoe size as well as men's or women's and brands or any other search word you'd like. We decided to put a 20% off sale on all of our shoes between Black Friday and Christmas. You would get an additional 10% off of that price. We have approximately 2500 running shoes in our garage. Currently we have only about 700 of them listed so if you have any special requests let us know and we can search the inventory.
