I went home and got to cooking! Here's how it all turned out:
I'm not cool enough to decorate the table, but the food turned out good! We had turkey breast, sour cream mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green beans, and jello. Not pictured: apple crisp and pumpkin pie for dessert.
Blog world, I'd like to introduce you to our dog, Wrigley. He's a long-haired chihuahua and about 7 months old. He enjoyed the turkey a little too much and fell into his own turkey coma.
At least he looks happy :)
Then we sat around in food comas and watched football. It was a good day! I am very thankful for many things, but here is what tops the list:
1. My family. Both my little family (me and Brad) and extended family. I'm glad I've got supportive people around me.
2. My faith. I'm very thankful for a God who listens when I call and has offered me eternal life
3. My friends. I'm thankful for making new friends in this new city we are living in and to be able to lean on them.
4. My running. I'm thankful that I have the ability to run, but also that I have found it as an outlet. It provides a goal to strive for and a way to process life.
5. My job. It's not always my favorite, but I am very thankful for it. There are very few people who get a job that pays well right after graduation. Can't take that for granted.
6. My husband. He is extremely hard-working and loyal. I am thankful for him and I am thankful that he handles me at my worst and still loves me. (just ask him about the post-half marathon blues mixed with a sprained ankle, he sees my WORST)
Finally, I'm thankful for everyone who cares enough to read my random thoughts. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to try to understand me.
Now, onto the Christmas season!
Aww, Wrigley is so cute!!!!